Thursday, January 5, 2012

13 Hours Before We Depart

On a cold day like today, I can't help but think of running in beautiful Florida weather. Well, thankfully, I will be departing this icebox in less than 13 hours! My hubby and I are all packed and ready to go. Granted, it did take me a while to get all my stuff together (didn't help that munchkin man wanted to unpack everything I would pack!). Who would have thought it would have taken me a whole day to pack for a five day vacation. The everyday attire wasn't a problem, it was trying to decide what to wear during my races that took me nearly 4 hours. At one point, I actually had my sister in-law come over to help me choose.

Along with packing for Marathon weekend, my much anticipated box from Road Runners Sports finally came in. Which means I will have my pre and post Gatorade! Disney supplies Poweraide which actually upsets my stomach, so I have to bring my own.

I had also ordered a pair of yurbuds after my old cheapo headphones broke during an intense workout at the gym. I am so excited to use them, and probably would have rocked out if I wasn't a responsible mommy. Inside my yurbuds box were two motivational cards that said:

"Excellence is not a singular act but a habit. You are what you do repeatedly."

"Don't wait for inspiration to come find you. Become it."

If getting my Road Runenrs delivery wasn't good enough. I found the newest Runners World in my mailbox! I can't believe the timing. Apparently, those at Runners World knew that I needed some good reading material for the plane since I will have four other people helping me with my son. I want to open it and begin reading now, but I thought I would wait to explore the pages while my son is being preoccupied by my mother in-law and her new insane Angry Birds talent.

Well, I am off to bed. Munchkin man will be awake in 6 hours! Yikes!

Be Inspired, Stay Motivated, Run Strong!

1 comment:

  1. I have to hide magazines from myself so they are a special treat when I do go somewhere. It has been Running Times and Backpacker for me lately.
