Tuesday, January 3, 2012

What to Expect from Happy Mother Runner 2012

I am pretty sure that this will be my last post about the new year. And it's a pretty exciting post! I have been thinking lately about what I want my blog to be like in 2012. I am really steadfast about my blog being a reflection of my runs, a way to motivate me to continue and improve, and an avenue to meet new friends who enjoy what I enjoy. So this year my blog will reflect me. With that said, here is what you can expect from One Happy Mother Runner in 2012.

Wardrobe Wednesdays: I LOVE workout clothes, running gear, and accessories. I am border line obsessive, it has gotten to a point that my husband is starting to get frustrated. One of my motto's is "if you work hard to look this good, you might as well rock it while you work hard." On Wednesdays I will feature my favorite running outfit of the week and/or accessories. I will also (when I can) supply discount codes that I used for purchase.

Training Thursdays: Seriously, I am shelling out the big bucks for a personal trainer so why shouldn't you also benefit. On Thursdays I will blog some great workouts and strength training exercises that I do with my personal trainer. I am hoping that she will be on board and take photos during our sessions, so we can see the progression as my training goes on.

Foodie Fridays: Being married to a Greek and having a Greek Mother in-law live down the street means one thing, tons and tons of Mediterranean food. This year I have decided to use all of the family recipes I have been taught and put a healthy twist on them. I will be sharing those recipes and pictures with you!

Every Other Day of the Week: I will continue to blog about my adventures in running and how this journey progresses, as well as my adventures of being a mom to a toddler!

Since we now have the expectations of One Happy Mother Runner down, it's time to put my personal expectations out there...AKA 2012 Resolutions. I have never (ever) made a new years resolution. But I thought this year would be interesting to see if I could accomplish some of these.
Here they are (in no particular order):
1.) Run 10 races
2.) Clock in 900 plus miles
3.) Improve my pace through strength training and tempo work
4.) Become a Half Fanatic
5.) Keep up with my blog
6.) Do something crazy (zip-lining, sky diving, white water rafting, etc).
7.) Run somewhere breathtaking

Here's to new adventures!
Be Inspired, Stay Motivated, Run Strong!

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